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Dreamgenie Features List

  • No Hosting charges.
  • Nothing to download, all options, changes, everything, is availble by logging into your website, which can be from any PC with internet access.
  • A friendly easy to use free CMS (Content Management System) this means that you can easily change anything anytime you wish.
  • Free SEO - (Search Engine Optimisation) - Get found on Google, we offer a free SEO service.
  • Free support - we want all of our customers to succeed, that helps us succeed; if you have a problem then just cal us.
  • No HTML knowledge required, web pages can be constructed using our Intelligent Article Templates feature, just choose an article type, and fill in the boxes, i.e. Title, upload an image etc and a professional web page is constructed for you.
  • Highly scalable CMS based on Micorosft ASP.NET 4 and SQL Server 2008
  • Easily handle 1 million rows of data
  • Enterprise Development Framework - All features are built into your website and available from the backoffice (no recompile or uploads required) The enterprise framework enables you to construct almost any additional custom functionality into your website, thereby enabling you to incorporate more of your business and business ideas. This can be acheived in a piecemeal fashion so you can add the new functionality as and when you require. All new screens and tables and reports have security attributes. Create new database tables build maintenance screens to manage your tables with full CRUD (create, read, update and delete) functionality. The framework is flexible enabling you to build graphical Reports, master detail views, custom importing or exporting of data.
  • Webmatrix and the Razor engine - Rapidly Develop your business online - extend your site using the powerful and extensible WebMatrix development kit, supports asp.net, php, node.js and HTML 5 CSS3, JQuery Mobile & Mobile development, SQL Server, MySQL, SQL CE, Windows Azure
  • Plugin architecture provides a flexible extension model - All features are built into your website and available from the backoffice (no recompile or uploads required) Plugins are different from the Enterprise framework. A plugin is typically a page level component like a widget that can be easily re-used in other parts of your site. There is some overlap with the Enterprise framework in that they can create and or use database tables from almost any data source.
  • Dreamgenie offers a comprehensive range of options for your website theme, you can choose your Wesbite look from thousands of Website templates - Supports most external website templates including the Free ones; or you can use the tools in the back office to modify and or create your own.
  • Create Thousands of your own Web Pages (no realistic limit)
  • Use Content Start and Expiry dates
  • Setup Page level access restrictions using passwords or User Roles
  • Include Video (YouTube)
  • Photo Galleries (optional password protection)
  • All pages have their own Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) settings
  • News articles
  • Blogs
  • Forums
  • Knowledgebase articles
  • FAQ articles
  • Event articles
  • Events Calendar
  • Mailshots and Newsletters
  • Links
  • Testimonials
  • Private Advertising - Date controlled - Images or Text
  • Google Ads
  • Site Search facility for your visitors
  • Customisable Terms of use
  • External Links
  • Site Recommendation
  • Site Map
  • Under Maintenance option
  • System Stats
  • Flash support
  • Site Design Template (click and choose )
  • Page level overrides for Site Design
  • Full Menu creation and customisation
  • RSS Feeds - create your own feeds for Events, News, Blogs and Dashboards
  • Online Help
  • Plugin architecture - a plugin architecure ensures that your Website can be easily extended in the future; free plugins are available.
  • Bespoke solutions built easily.
  • Range of Site Page Structure Templates
  • Create a site wide Default Design using click and choose options
  • Range of clock wigits
  • Fully customizable headers - footers - backgrounds
  • Fully integrated image control
  • Customisable email templates
  • Page Article Template Wizards
  • Themes - advanced function offering complete control over all aspects of your sites appearance and structure.
  • Upload files images/document/flash/pdf’s etc directly from your desktop for use in content.
  • Builtin Tool with various options to Create your own gradient colour images for use as backgrounds/footers/widgit headers etc
  • Inbuilt image upload and optimiser
  • Fully customisable dashboards enable you to create content that appears like a widget in the page margin, dashboards can be anything you can create using Flash, CSS HTML Javascript, contents can optionally link to any internal or external content.
  • Multi User Levels
  • Full eCommerce Site - has various features to assist your business make money.
  • eCommerce Shop - create as many products in as many categories as you require, customers pay via online Secure Integrated Payment Module (Paypal). All products have their own Web pages and images; all products are exposed to the Web using their own Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) settings, in this way your products are Google and other search engine friendly, helping your visitors find your products and services and helping you create a succsessful business. You have complete control over all aspects of the appearance of your shop and how your visitors experience it. You also have full control over how your visitors Navigate to or around the Shop, this could be directly via the Shop main page from where they will see and start with categories of products, alternativley through the marketing and links to your products, for example using promotions which can be created from say your homepage or via a dashboard on the homepage or another page you can link directly to a product or another page within your shop.
  • Promotional Discount Vouchers - create as many Promotional Discount Voucher codes as you require set start and expiry dates, a percentage discount and a minimum order value, the voucher codes are managed via a set of backoffice functions, can be distributed and promoted via your content on the site mailshots/newsletters/email they are integrated into the site shopping cart/ checkout process so users can easily add or remove their promotional discount code at any time. A full history of used voucher codes is maintained via the Messaging system, emails and Shop Transaction History.
  • Registered Customers can at any time view their complete Transaction History and optionally print a transaction.
  • Full Backoffice management support functions for all aspects of the Shop exist including view all transaction History and optionally print orders.
  • eMarketing Mailshots, create your own rich content mailshots, newsletters whatever you require; set up target groups from exisiting or create new email addresses, you can then prioritise, send them and even track which get opened.
  • Your eCommerce site supports two ways generating Advertising income.
  • Private Advertising - use this feature to create 3rd party advertisments on your site and optionally charge them to generate income. Advertisements can be images or text and the advertisments support links to a target URL. Adverts are viewed on a random basis so a visitor to a web page will see a random selection of the Adverts available that fit in the advertising space available. Back office functions enable you to define all aspects of you customers adverts including their Start and End Dates.
  • Google Advertising - AdSense, use your site to generate income by displaying Google Adverts. It is quite common for sites to generate upwards of £100 month by allowing Google Ads to be displayed on the site.
  • Google Analytics, you can integrate your Google account into the site and use Google analytics to analyse site activity.
  • Google Documents intregation.
  • Forms engine, create as many custom forms with as many fields as you need. All field types supported including dates (with calendar), selects, checkboxes, textarea, types such as integers, decimals, percentages and more supported in validation. Backoffice provides full access to all form submitions with spreadsheet output, and all forms have their own Reference No.
  • Multi-user management - define, create, disable and manage site registrations and define their level of access and control, ideal for sites with multiple Staff members allowing multiple individuals to access and maintain different parts of the site.
  • Multi-user Messaging - Manage your staff communication, create, send and recieve rich content messages. Messages can be sent either to individuals or groups of individiduals; includes tracking so you can see who opens which messages and when.
  • Event logs - The system monitors and records site activity and logs over 50 different events including IP address, datetime, username and more - events include page visits, loading and saving of content, shop and booking activity. Built in back office function for the administrator to filter and view all site event activity.
  • Generate your sites unique look and feel (colors, headers borders, images etc) by styling with the easy to use (click and choose) Design Template feauture, for more advanced control use the Themes option, Themes is a powerful function giving you the ability to change almost anything to do with the structure and layout of your site and the pages using CSS, HTML and Javascript (resellers only).
  • Intranet for Staff Users
  • Accommodation Management, supports creation and management of many types of accommodation from Rooms to Buildings such as cottages, caravans, even boats. Setup Accommodations and types, optionally each with their own page or grouped by type, and each with its own built in SEO so Google can see your accommodation, define your Seasons and Tariffs, create promotions for Special offers and seasonal prices, take full control of your accommodations availability; there is full support and integration of any 3rd party booking systems and advertising you may already be using elsewhere, when everthings runnning to help you easily manage all of this there is a 'FrontDesk' screen which enables you to see at a glance on a single page the state, availability, Tariffs, bookings, cancellations and more for all your accommodations.
  • Online Booking System, accommodation bookings can be made online by visitors to your site, via the backoffice you have control over how many rooms they can book at a time and how much deposit to charge (from 0-100%), confirmation emails are sent to the customer and designated staff within your business. The back office contains a comprehensive set of support functions for all aspects of your online booking system, including changing designated accommodations and creating bookings over the phone.
  • Administrators + Registered Users + Visitors
  • Staff