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Code Version History

Version Description
  • Dreamgenie sites now use .NET 3.5 and LINQ
  • Mailing lists - The e-marketing suite has been upgraded. You can now Create Mailing lists and optionally choose to have them visible in the Newsletter signup screen. Now when a user visits the Newsletter subscription screen they can choose to signup for any combination or all of your specific Mailing lists.
    • When a user signs up to or unsubscribes to a mailing list or group of mailing lists they are now sent an email, the email must be acted upon for the signup or unsubsubscribe to complete
  • Dashboards items have been enhanced. You can now easily specify a custom image to appear in a dashboard item. Select [Dashboard Contents] choose a dashboard item to work with or create a new one. Choose [-CUSTOM IMAGE-] from the [Associated Gallery] dropdown list Switch to the [Advanced] Tab and enter the path to the image in the [Object Code] Input box. NOTE: You do NOT need to set the [This is an object] checkbox.
    • NOTE: classname [WidgetPhotoThumb] is added to the image and default styling sets the image float left and to be 40% of the width of the dashboard and allows for accompanying text to wrap around the image.
  • Hotel sites - The Tariff and Season list screens have been re-worked so that only the currently active Tariffs or Seasons show, a checkbox enables you to view all. This makes a clearer clutter free view of the current state of your Tariffs and Seasons and it is clearer to see if any Seasons or Tariffs are active . The sort has been modified slightly so the default listing is now in date descending order.
  • Image rotation
    • File Manager now supports image rotation by steps of 90 degrees on any single or collection of images. You can use the checkbox that appears in the grid to select the images required and then click the rotate image button. There is also a new column Rotate90deg in the file list grid, click this entry and the image for this row will be rotated by 90 degrees.
    • Photo Galleries now support image rotation by 90 degrees. From the back-office click [Photo Galleries] then click [Manage Photos]. From this screen there is now an option under each photo to rotate the image in steps of 90 degrees.
  • The login form now offers the option of going to the back-office on logging in or just logging you in (and staying on the current page). This can help save time if you just want to login to view/work with pages from the front end, and you don't want to go to the back-office and navigate back.
  • File Manager has the following improvements - all browsers except Internet Explorer (To follow soon)
    • You can now select multiple files for upload thereby dramatically decrasing the time it takes to bulk upload your files.
    • The file pattern filter is now editable.
    • You can optionally turn off the image preview facility whilst navigating through you folders, this enables much easier/quicker navigation to your target directory instead of having to wait for the page to complete loading the image previews before responding to navigate to your chosen directory. If you uncheck the Preview thumbnails checkbox any change of directory is almost instant.
  • Enhanced image quality for Article Template, Shop Products and Adverts.
  • Uploaded PNG's now dont lose their transparency when uploaded in the above areas.
  • The sitemap has been enhanced for Administrators and above to indicate what pages are available, deleted, and hidden.
    • A appears at the front of the page title if the database attribute Dont Show In Sitemap is set true. Normal users crawlers etc won't see this webpage.
    • A appears at the front of the page title if the database attribute Deleted is set true. Normal users crawlers etc won't see this webpage.
  • Article Templates now support Plugins. A new section has been added to Article Templates 'Advanced Commands (section 13). This section enables you to load Plugins.
  • Many of the Dreamgenie content types and some of the System pages (which by the way already support Article Templates) can now use Plugins. Heres the current list of where Plugins can be used.
    • The Site Home page
    • All Normal non system Web Pages. (that means all the webpages created by you.)
    • Blogs
    • News
    • Events
    • Forums
    • Videos
    • Links
    • Accomodation Types
    • Accommodation Info
    • Product-Order.aspx (The system start page for your E-Shop i.e. the shop root page)
    • Product-list.aspx (The system page showing all shop products in the selected category)
    • Product-info.aspx (The system product details information page)
    • Sitemap.aspx (The system sitemap web page)
    • Contact-us.aspx (The system contact us page)
  • Dreamgenie 2 final release. After much testing and minor bug-fixes.
  • New FREE Theme feature across all versions, available from backoffice select Installation Settings icon and see the 'Select Theme' tab. This feature offers a collection of pre-defined Themes to use for your website, more will be added over time.
  • Plugin Manager final release.
  • New feauture, under File Management you may now modify the selected file contents. First select a file (by setting the appropriate checkbox) and then click the 'Edit' button.
  • Increased upload file size under File Management, from 2MB maximum limit to 3MB or 3072000 bytes.
  • Start Tab added to profile page, enables easy access to news items, how to articles and more.
  • Plugin Manager beta release 2.0 - Release 2.0 includes a full plugin control panel and test harness where configuration methods can be executed and tests conducted. The plugin harness supports multiple instances of the same plugin or different configurations of multiple different plugins.
  • Plugin Manager beta release 1.0 - register Usercontrol plugins via the new Plugin Manager, set viewer access permission levels; documentation and samples to follow shortly.
  • All Pages that support Article templates and Webpages have been enhanced such that you can now specify the Display order i.e. you can set Which gets displayed first, the Webpage Content OR the ArticleTemplate.
  • Dreamgenie 2.0 beta release - Finally the power to take on almost any task.
  • Webpages support for ASP.NET 2.0 Usercontrols
  • Dashboards support for ASP.NET 2.0 Usercontrols
  • Extend the power of Dreamgenie from within the back-office using your own ASP.NET Usercontrols and server side VB.NET code
  • Easily Create rich and exciting webpages and user interfaces using Usercontrols that interact with 3rd party ASP.NET controls
  • Create new Database tables, then build your own custom screens with full CRUD operations (create, read, update and delete).
  • Use Dreamgenie to access and read/write data from external systems.
  • Full access to themes. Themes enable you to completley customise the appearance of your site. Create a site wide theme, but optionally switch themes or use modifications on a per page level.
  • Webpages can now be optionally removed from appearing in the sitemap.
  • E-Marketing enhancement provides better message and exception handling including autoshutdown after 5 attempts if it detects recurring error.
  • Newsletter signup dashboard enhanced to provide better Email format validation.
  • Recipient Edit maintenance page in the back office enhanced to provide better Email format validation.
  • New back office visual appearance.
  • Article templates bugfix. on return from selecting an image the preview button now correctly links to a preview of the article.
  • RSS Feed enhancement - Dashboards using the RSS Feed feature now support full preview when an Article Template is being used.
  • The Feedback form duplication of content has been fixed.
  • Enhanced EventLog, now tracks backoffice activity.
  • Enhanced Recipient Table, field lengths now 50 chars, up from 35.
  • Edit links (when logged in) now appear on all key pages - updates include Contact us,About us,Gallery,Videos,Photos
  • Presentation of Dashboard side panels has been enhaced to allow easy styling where if theres an image it can be floated left or right and the text flows around it. In addition the Dashboard Meta Description text appears in the side panel allowing an additional 250 chars of description, The title text is stripped out first so it doesnt duplicate.
  • The Gallery page has had css classes added so its easy to override the images for Photos or Videos.
  • News, Events, Dashboards, Blogs all now have a (magnifying glass icon) Preview link in their List page click on this to go straight to that item.
  • Article Templates now has a Preview Link for all types (magnifying glass near the top of the page), click on this to preview the article.
  • Photo albums now have a print link
  • Blogs Have a Print link
  • Blogs Have an edit link (when logged in)
  • Blogs now finally support Article templates
  • Article Template now has link to preview the page (webpages only)
  • Template 13 - Article template - 1 large header section and 8 thumbnail sections
  • Edit webpages has had a revamp and a preview is now available from the grid list.
  • Article templates - You can now swap two sections - just set the checkboxes (at the start of the section) and click the Swap button at the top of the page.
  • You can now associate a complete theme to a Web Pages - not normally recommended as normally the current theme is sitewide and thus cached for speed, but if you need to test or demo a new theme this is what you need.
  • In Web Pages you can now specify the horizontal menu to use (previously this was hardwired and could not be changed)
  • Enhanced RSS feeds, webpage articles now show a preview even regardless of whether an article template has been used. For all types of RSS preview the preview length is now 800 characters.
  • Many minor fixes and enhancements including the image file path on image 1 in an article template.
  • Additional CSS now has its own inputs - applies to Dashboards and Webpages. This means resulting pages can be more W3C compliant.
  • RSS Feeds for Custom dashboards, Events, Blogs and News.
  • Help system now has a search facility, enter one or more keyword phrases seperated by a #.
  • Default SEO can now be configured under the System | Installation Settings | SEO Tab. These settings become the defult SEO for Title, Keywords and Description when they are not defined for the current page.
  • Gallery 3 column mode images now max to 496px - previously 506px.
1.28 New Custom Forms engine (release 1) plus minor fixes and updates
1.27 Many small updates
  • Accommodation and Booking management final release,
  • Shop final release: Full test - emails, event log audit, and System message to Notification groups.
  • Back office Transaction history for registered users includes, shop purchases and bookings.
  • Audit system released as Back office feature called Event Log (In the System section)
  • View All Delivery Orders has been revamped (under eCommerce).
  • Many minor fixes and updates.
  • Beta 3 - Accommodation Booking and management,
  • Booking order notification group defined by you in your system settings, this group recieves system messages when a booking is made.
  • Online payment beta now included. Requires webmaster to enable it.
  • Beta 1 - Emails to customer and administrators email (site settings) are sent when a booking is made.
  • Beta 1 - Audit system introduced - no front end yet.
  • Beta 2 - Accommodation Booking and management
  • Menus have navigation to other menu related screens
  • New Article templates
  • Revamp of the site template screen.
  • File management screen now saves your last selections (colors and sizes)
  • Beta 1 Accommodation Booking and management
  • Plumbing for forthcoming accommodation features.
  • Web page now has a link to Edit. Applies from main site if you are member of staff and above and permissions allow.
  • Article management has been revamped and now an optional link that can be set on the image, the link can go to any of the dream genie types in the same way as exsiting Dashboard items, this feature uses ajax to retrieve (where relevnant) appropriate lists of 'filenames' from the server and offer them as a popup selection list. Hope you like this.
  • Edit Dashboard items in the back-office has also been updated to use the ajax feature described above.
  • The red crosss that appears in various list screens has on request been changed to a green cross.
  • Back-office edit web pages noe defaults to excluding deleted pages in the listing. A checkbox has been added at the top of the screen to optionally include the deleted pages.
  • Presentation of Images in Media Management options has been overhauled, hope you like the improvements.
  • Tooltip Bubble help has provided thanks to http://www.walterzorn.com/.
  • Site Settings | Dashboard & Features; The Checkboxes now correctly identify the active components on your system.
  • The generated Image thumbnail under 'Media Management' image upload has been improved and now displays correctly in your widget sidebar (if required).
1.15b minor fixes
1.15a Flash support in article templates, site template header and webpage header overrides. Dashboards types can now hide text links. Minor fixes
1.15 IE6 fixes - but theres more to come
1.14 Article Templates and support for them in WebPages,News,Events and Dashboards.
1.13a WebPages and Mailshots Updates.
1.13a Minor Updates
1.13 Minor Updates